Science, and everything that's interesting
Short animation films that turn a complex idea into a short story

It turns out that both emotions live in a common building in our brain, and not always the aggressors win the battle for the switch
For Kan science | Production Wiki academy | Directed by Gilat Parag | Design & animation Yali Herbert.
Will love win the war?

How the four-color mathematic principle is applied in everyday life.
For Prof. Shahar Samordinsky, Ben Gurion University | Production Wiki academy | Directed by Gilat Parag | Design & animation Yali Herbert.
How many colors do you need to make a phone call?

The sense of smell, perhaps more than all other senses, drives unconscious behaviors. Do we shake hands to smell each other?
For Kan science | Production Wiki academy | Direction & script Gilat Parag | Design & animation Yali Herbert.
Why do we shake hands?

Despite Franklin's important role in deciphering the structure of the genome, she did not share the Nobel Prize. The life story of a courageous researcher, well deserving her place in history.
From "Heroes" - Exhibition for Children at Beth Hatefutsoth | Production Pitchy Poy | Project Managers Avida Livni and Amitai Ahiman | Animation director Noam Meshulam | Art Director Gilat Parag | Design Ofra Kobliner and Gilat Parag | Animation Ofra Kobliner | Producer Noa Ben Itzhak | Actor Shaked Bar | Music Adi Cohen.
Rosalind Franklin

Who was Spinoza? Father and son engage in a philosophical conversation about God and nature.
From "Heroes" - Exhibition for Children at Beth Hatefutsoth | Production Pitchy Poy | Project Managers Avida Livni and Amitai Ahiman | Animation director Noam Meshulam | Project Art Director Gilat Parag | Design Ovadiah Benishu and Ori Toor | Animation Ori Toor and Jonathan Winter | Producer Noa Ben Itzhak | Actor Eran Zur | Music Adi Cohen.
Watch the movie

More than half of the oxygen we breathe comes from the oceans. A research team at the Technion has examined how to deal with a persistent parasite, that threatens the supply of oxygen from the oceans.
For Kan science | Production Wiki academy | Directed & Scripted by Gilat Parag | Design & animation Lior Shkedi.
What threatens our oxygen?

Why do you suddenly forget things during pregnancy, have trouble concentrating and smell everything?
For Kan science | Production Wiki academy | Written by Haran Shani | Directed & Scripted by Gilat Parag | Design & Animation Yali Herbert | Narration Einav Yaakobi | Music Roy Spielger and Yuval Gerstein | Acknowledgments Hila Gavron and Yotam Yarkoni, University of Leiden, University of Barcelona - Brain research.
Baby Brain- is there such a thing?

Entomologists at the University of Indiana and the American Crop Research Department have examined how we effectively balance the use of insecticides, that prevent severe damage and unintentional damage to useful pollinators.
For Kan science | Production Wiki academy | Scientific Consult Yomiran Nissan | Directed and Scripted by Gilat Parag | Design & Animation Lior Shkedi | Narrator Avia shpitzer.
What kills the bees?

The House for Hebrew is a visitors' center located in Rishon Letzion.
Part of a donor's package that includes a site, a film and a catalog.
House for Hebrew-promotion film: Created by Pitchy Poy | Director Noam Meshulam | Design Alon Breyer and Yoav Brill | Producer Noa Ben Itzhak | Content producer Gilat Parag | Content consulting Rubik Rosenthal.